Home Renovation and Remodeling: Tips and Advice from Perry Lieber

Home renovation and remodeling projects can be daunting tasks for homeowners, especially those who are undertaking such projects for the first time. From planning and budgeting to selecting materials and finding reliable contractors, there are many factors to consider. To help homeowners navigate these challenges and achieve their renovation goals, we've asked Perry Lieber, a seasoned contractor, and home renovation expert, to share his tips and advice.

Start with a plan

The first step in any renovation or remodeling project is to have a clear plan. This includes defining the scope of the project, setting a budget, and establishing a timeline. According to Perry Adam Lieber, "Having a plan in place ensures that everyone involved in the project is on the same page and that there are no surprises along the way."

Research and select the right contractor

Choosing the right contractor is crucial to the success of any renovation or remodeling project. Perry Adam Lieber advises homeowners to do their research and carefully vet potential contractors. "Ask for references and check their online reviews," he says. "It's also important to choose a contractor who has experience with the type of project you are planning."

Consider the return on investment

When planning a renovation or remodeling project, it's important to consider the potential return on investment (ROI). This is especially true for homeowners who plan to sell their homes in the future. Perry Adam Lieber suggests focusing on projects that have a high ROI, such as kitchen and bathroom renovations, which are known to add value to a home.

Stick to your budget

One of the biggest challenges of any renovation or remodeling project is staying within budget. Perry Adam Lieber recommends setting a realistic budget and sticking to it. "Make sure to factor in unexpected costs, such as those related to permits or structural issues," he says. "And avoid making changes to the scope of the project once it's underway, as this can quickly add to the overall cost."

Select high-quality materials

When selecting materials for a renovation or remodeling project, it's important to choose high-quality materials that will stand the test of time. According to Perry Adam Lieber, "Using cheap materials may save money upfront, but it can end up costing more in the long run if they need to be replaced sooner than expected."

Don't forget about the details

It's the little details that can make a big difference in the overall success of a renovation or remodeling project. Perry Lieber suggests paying attention to details such as lighting, fixtures, and finishes. "These small touches can take a project from good to great," he says.

Communicate clearly with your contractor

Clear communication between the homeowner and contractor is key to a successful renovation or remodeling project. Perry Lieber recommends establishing regular check-ins and being open and honest about any concerns or issues that arise. "Good communication ensures that everyone is on the same page and that any problems are addressed promptly," he says.

Plan for the future

When planning a renovation or remodeling project, thinking about the future is important. Perry Adam Lieber suggests considering factors such as aging in place and future maintenance needs. "Aging-in-place features, such as grab bars and wider doorways, can be incorporated into the design of the project," he says. "And choosing durable, low-maintenance materials can help reduce the need for future repairs and upkeep."

In conclusion, home renovation and remodeling projects can be challenging, but with the right planning, materials, and contractor, they can also be highly rewarding. Perry Adam Lieber's tips and advice can help homeowners navigate these challenges and achieve their renovation goals. By starting with a clear plan, selecting the right contractor,


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